Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The countdown is at: 523 days

We begin our countdown with 523 days left of putting up with President Bush. I know there are countdown clocks all over the internet keeping track of the same thing, but I figured I'd use this blog as a means of reemphasizing why we can't wait until he leaves the White House! So for each day, I'll post some kind of Bush it one of his moronic quotes, a good joke, or a political cartoon of some kind, I'll be showing the world day by day what we WON'T be missing come 1/20/09!

So, here is the first "Bush Bash of the Day:"

"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror."
-George W. Bush in a September 2006 interview with Katie Couric

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